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Business Environment And Ethics

From Business Environment To Corporate Governance, From Business Ethics And Consumer Rights To Intellectual Property Rights And CSR, Learn All You Need To Launch And Run Your Business Successfully.



About the course

So guys firstly a very very exhilarating welcome to all of you. This course is about understanding business environment and ethics which is exactly what the name of this course is i.e., “Business Environment And Ethics' '. This course has many interesting sections which you’ll love to interact with and also there are lectures and parts which you won’t find easily elsewhere. Such as “Intellectual Property Rights' '. I could have summed it up in a simple lecture but it's a full-fledged part with different lectures. This course has been designed with thorough research so that when you finish this course you’re well knowledgeable about business environment and ethics. The reason this topic isn’t much heard about is because when we talk about business or entrepreneurship, the words that come to our mind are ‘idea’, ‘funding’, ‘goals’, etc. which I’d say are just a thin part of a business and not about how to run a business. With focusing on your goals and achievements you also have to think about running your office, managing employees which is what the demanding task is. I can’t assure you that after this course you’ll become a unicorn or something but it is that you’ll learn how to run a business with ethics which is surely a key factor to take your company to heights.


Now taking much time lets take you to have a look about what you’ll be learning in the course.


PART 1: Business Environment


This is the beginning so you’ll have an introduction about the business environment. And proceeding further there are lectures explaining the types of business environment, what is macro and micro environment, and also a separate lecture about government and regulatory environment. Guess you won’t be wanting to miss it.


PART 2: Business Ethics And Consumer Rights


Just two lectures but absolutely important! The topics are “What is business ethics?” and “What is consumer rights?”


PART 3: Corporate Structure & Governance


I told you that I have lectures which people usually don’t discuss. The lectures include understanding the importance of registering your company which I know many people keep at the bottom of their priority list but it's important, why? you’ll understand in the course. Also there are topics which we have only heard but lack knowing its core meaning and purpose, such as partnerships, corporations, sole proprietorship, limited liability company, limited liability partnership and many more.


PART 4: Company Culture


Absolutely! This is what I was talking about that is important to run a business. The culture you create at your company will be responsible for your outcomes and achievements. We’ll start with “What is corporate culture?”, then proceeding to understand its importance and its affecting factors. This lecture is solely designed to educate you about company culture. And I won’t leave you just explaining the meaning of corporate culture but will teach you on how to plan and execute your company culture. With disclosing much, hop into the lecture.


PART 5: Company Laws


Many business people are weak in the legal part of business which can lead to a mess of trouble impossible to come out. You don’t get into it, for that this part has lectures about business contract laws, how to protect yourself and importantly, why neglecting it can be bad for you.


PART 6: Intellectual Property Rights


This is where I’d say people are really unaware and relaxed. We do read different news of data hack and piracy and but don’t imagine ourselves to be in that place and thus don’t think of dealing with it. To tell you, it is an extremely important section to learn about as it would only take seconds to steal or destroy your lifetime of work. It has lectures like, "Data protection”, “Patent law”, “Trademark”, etc.


PART 7: Corporate Social Responsibility


Besides achieving goals and making profits, companies also have a responsibility towards the society. There are so many problems, diseases that the common need to be helped out of. And when running a business, you have appropriate resources and impactful reach which can contribute towards it. After All it's the people who helped you build the business and you should definitely give them back with a thankful heart. And this part has those lectures to guide you for doing it.


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